Gurpreet Saini
February 13, 2023
NSDC National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) on Facebook
Dr Sandeep Singh Kaura has assumed the position of Adviser NSDC/NSDC International with a focus on positioning India as the supply hub of skilled workforce across the globe. In order to drive this vision, the implementation strategy will be to bring together International Accreditation & Certification bodies, Overseas Employers, and International Training Partners by preparing young workforce on Domain and Linguistic skills, as per globally benchmarked standards.
Dr. Kaura is a globally well-known expert on Skill Development. He has been working towards laying a solid foundation for strengthening the skilling ecosystem within Countries of Origin having a surplus supply of young workforce, as well as Countries of Destination facing acute shortages of skilled workforce.
Dr. Kaura holds an MBA, Doctorate, Chevening Fellow from the University of Oxford, and a Doctoral Research Fellow at ISB Hyderabad. He is working as Chancellor, Lamrin Tech Skills University , Punjab and has been an Adviser to the Chief Minister, Govt. of Punjab (Skill Development and Technical Education) since 2015.